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Hello! I am X, the lead developer for Subnautica. This is my second time posting here, but this time I'm here with an update on Subnautica's files themselves. We've previously made our game available as a free download with its own limited license for those who would like to try it out (and now there is no more need to pirate the game!). But now, we're following in the footsteps of other games that have had their files leaked online. We are releasing all the files necessary to build your own copy of Subnautica without even needing an account or any additional keys beyond what was given with your purchase. This includes every texture (both the game and the user interface), model, map, sound file, level file, and game data itself. We also made available any scripts that we could find in the game's code; you should be able to modify or even write your own code in many cases. The script files are all open source, so feel free to study them if you wish! There are plenty of things that can be changed -- how stories are told, various puzzles to figure out, what animals are hostile or passive toward players. You will have an opportunity to do that through gameplay. We strongly believe people should have the option of obtaining Subnautica legally without having to pirate it. Even if we cannot force everyone to do so, we can at least try to make it possible for players to keep it as legal as possible. We want people to have fun playing Subnautica the way they would like, and if that means never touching the source files or building their own version, then that's perfectly fine with us. We just hope that those who have been pirating this game up until now will have a second chance to play this game legally and maybe even experience something new through modding it. We were a small team of high school students when we first started this project. Now we are a team of college students with full-time jobs. And now, three years later, the game is ready for release. We hope you all will enjoy playing this game, even if it is from a free download. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about anything we've done with this project, please contact us at the links below. - X - Related links: - Subnautica WIKI: - Fan Discord: - Fan Forums: uk/phpbb3/ - Subnautica on Steam: - Get the game on Steam: - Subnautica's website: Licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC 4.0: cfa1e77820